S P A R K. O P T I M I Z A T I O N S
Client: Mobiquity Networks
• Optimized 15 Spark jobs on Kubernetes, reducing costs by 70-80%.
• Developed Spark utility functions for handling skewed keys.
• Established JupyterHub on Kubernetes, reducing test-run cycles from 2 hours to 2 minutes.
Keywords: Spark on Kubernetes, Java, Scala, Pyspark, AWS
A I - B A S E D. C A M P A I G N. O P T I M I Z A T I O N S
Client: Advangelists
• Closed $750,000 in media spend, secured 3 enterprise accounts.
• Developed custom bidding models and data synchronization pipelines.
• Achieved up to 112% performance uplift in campaigns.
Keywords: Adtech, RTB, DSP, Matillion, Spark, AWS EMR, Time series analysis, A/B test
A I - D R I V E N. M E D I A. B U Y I N G. P L A T F O R M
Client: Mobiquity Networks
• Grew AI capabilities, increasing revenue by 300%.
• Built identity graph and clustering frameworks.
• Developed ML solutions for audience segmentation and ad fraud prevention.
Keywords: Adtech, RTB, DSP/DMP, Hadoop, Hive, Spark, AWS EMR/Glue/SageMaker/Kinesis, Databricks, Neo4j, Tensorflow
M O B I L E. L O C A T I O N. I N T E L L I G E N C E
Client: Mobiquity Networks
• Built data science products, reducing infrastructure costs by 60%.
• Developed geospatial algorithms and a 1.2PB data lake.
• Delivered audience segments to 20+ partners.
Keywords: Geospatial analysis, Spark, Delta lake, AWS EMR, Athena, Redshift, Glue, SageMaker, Lambda, Kinesis
A I - P O W E R E D. C L I N I C A L. L A B. T E S T. D A T A. P L A T F O R M
Client: Prognosis
• Improved ETL pipeline efficiency by 18%.
• Developed deep-learning models for risk scoring and medical NLP solutions.
Keywords: Databricks, Spark, Tensorflow, NLP, Pilosa, Amazon Neptune
R E C O R D . L I N K A G E
Client: People Data Labs
• Built record linkage solution, creating a dataset of 1.5 billion individuals.
• Reduced data processing time from days to hours.
Keywords: Entity resolution, Record linkage, NLP, Spark, Python, Jupyter, Cloudera, Redis, ELK stack
C O N N E C T E D. H E A L T H C A R E . D A T A. P L A T F O R M
Client: InsightZen
• Built a HIPAA/HITRUST compliant healthcare data platform.
• Developed algorithms for cost prediction and collaborated on diabetes care research.
Keywords: Healthcare, Payer, Life science, Spark, Python, Jupyter, AWS Sagemaker, Tensorflow, AWS EKS, Kubernetes, OpenAI Gym